A Sunset

अभिषेक पाण्डेय (अंक: 261, सितम्बर द्वितीय, 2024 में प्रकाशित)


As the Sun is dimming its light

So the hope!

All the ifs are dying

And all the buts are strengthening

As the evening is ageing!

The last bird has just reached its nest

Whispering has just ended inside the neighbouring house

The mountaineers have set their camps to rest

May be all the men have released their body weights in the arms of beds

But I have not only the body weight

It contains the dust of dreams!

Compulsions to follow wrong roads

Cutting the roots of a growing tree

And a moon besides its craters!

A whole ancient civilisation is buried under the graveyard of my heart!

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